On 16/11/2006 00:11, Graham Anderson wrote:
> attribute for the Body
> strstr ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "Macintosh") ?
> print "body { font-size:76%;}" :  /*UserAgent says its a Mac*/
> print "body { font-size:100%;} ";  /*PC*/

You know you can't trust the User Agent string, right? We've been 
through browser sniffing based on User Agent string and back out again 
in the JS world already: please don't bring it into CSS as well. 
Conditional comments/hacks/"filters" should be enough to get by on. I'm 
certainly having no issues.

Using a correct Doctype and a structured approach should enable almost 
all browsers to render the font sizes in a sane and knowable manner.

This is getting way off-topic now, so I'm going to leave it at that.
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