> saskia verlinden wrote:> > Hi,
       website: http://www.tulipdesign.nl/ > > ... This website I'm working on, 
works wel in FF and IE6 (don't> > have 7). But if you look in Opera and watch 
the horizontal navigation> > with the red background (id=navig), you see at the 
right side a white> > gap of some pixels.... > > #navig li {> ...> width: 
14.286%;> > Is rounded to 14% in Opera and Safari, this means, it is calculated 
to > 750px*0.14 = 105px. In Fx: approx. 107px. This results in 14px > 
difference, a white gap.> > You could make the ul#navig contain (by floating, 
by setting > overflow:hidden) the floating li, so its red background would 
become > visible.> > Ingo
Hi Ingo,
Thanks for a quick reply. I understand what caused the problem now, but I'm not 
sure I understand your solution.
I tried several changes in my CSS but the red background won't come visible. 
Sorry, but please explain....
CSS: http://www.tulipdesign.nl/tulipstyle.css 
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