It took me a minute to figure out what you were asking - but once I popped
the hood, it makes sense.

Floating an element takes it out of the normal flow of the document. In the
case of your navigation bar (on the left), you have 4 nearly-identical
speced elements (ie same size, proportions, etc.) each one having a class
"navigation." The rules about where an element floats *to* in any given
document can be pretty complicated. But the simple explanation is that they
float relative to their containing element.  Since all of these navigation
divs have the same containing element (in this case, the "body" element),
AND because there's no room for them to cozy up next to each other in order
(because they're width is costrained) they're all going to float to the same
location.  Notice that the last navigation bar (the one with its color set
to green) is the one on top, as you'd expect).

The important part is that first one, though: a floated element is taken out
of the normal flow of the document. They can be contained in a couple of
ways; one of the simplest (but sometimes problematic) solutions is to also
float whichever element you want to be the container for the box in

For a good float tutorial, check out Eric Meyer's CSS: The Definitive
It has the best explanation of floating behavior I've seen.

Personally, negative margin layouts make my head hurt.

On 11/30/06, mean dspt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I was experimenting with layouts from Layout Gala
> it uses exessively negative margins and floats for layouts. I've
> modified one of the layouts, and added some new divs. The sample page
> is there You can notice the side
> columns are strangely rendered.
> I can't understand the behaviour of .navigation and .extra divs. Why
> are they stacked one over each other, instead of running one beneath
> another? there's no absolute or relative positioning used...
> What rules make them overlap?
> Yegor
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