On Dec 5, 2006, at 2:23 PM, Mark Wheeler wrote:

> Makes sense, but why is it then on my page that in FF (PC) and IE6 it
> looks "bolder"/heaver than in IE7?

It is a bit more complicated. Most browsers on Windows will attempt  
to find a bold face for the specified font. If not available, they  
will using some algorithms to artificially bold the specified font.
On Mac Safari, and in the future Gecko, the browser will look first  
for a bold face in the specified font-family, lacking that, they will  
look for a substitute font eventually, or eventually artificially  
bold out the font-face.
The same goes for italics.

What IE 7 does, I'm not sure yet. Maybe the font-smoothing that is  
turned on by default doesn't work all that well, and the bolding is  
not visually different from the normal font-weight.

Philippe Wittenbergh

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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