On 12/4/06, Suzanne Bernard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I've just started teaching myself CSS over the last month or so. I've also
> recently put up the website for the New York Cactus & Succulent Society,
> and I'm completely baffled by something. All the pages have a <div> with
> the class "navbuttons", which is, of course a group of navigation buttons,
> which I did by making the button image the background image for links
> within the navbuttons class. On this one particular page,
> http://www.nycss.org/linkstest.html, (which has a different style sheet
> than the rest of the site: http://www.nycss.org/styleslinks.css), I also
> have links to outside sites which are NOT supposed to have the button image
> behind them, yet it keeps showing up. I've been over the code multiple
> times; the <div> that holds the outside links is not nested withing
> navbuttons, and I can't figure out why IE and Firefox think that the
> background-image rule that's specified only for navbuttons applies to all
> links no matter what their class. Obviously I'm missing something. I'm
> hoping a few fresh sets of eyes will look at the html and css and be able
> to spot what I'm doing wrong here. BTW, I also have a similar page using
> css and no tables for layout (http://www.nycss.org/links.html), which is
> linked to http://www.nycss.org/stylesmain.css - and it initially had the
> same problem. But for that page the problem went away, although I haven't
> been able to figure out why that is either. Sorry this post is somewhat
> convoluted - I'll be happy to clarify if I'm not making sense. I'd be very
> grateful for any advice or solutions. Thanks.
> Suzanne Bernard

I believe the issue is the last rule in your CSS file:
   .navbuttons a:focus, a:hover, a:active { background-image:
url('button_2_down.gif'); }
This is equivalent to:
   .navbuttons a:focus { background-image: url('button_2_down.gif'); }
   a:hover, a:active { background-image: url('button_2_down.gif'); }
You probably want:
   .navbuttons a:focus, .navbuttons a:hover, .navbuttons a:active {
background-image: url('button_2_down.gif'); }

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