Ian Young wrote:
> Have site with alternating colours in dynamic website using php. Want to
> change the code to css.
> code as follows:
> $bg = ($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#F9FBF9' : '#eeeeee'); // Switch the background
> color.
> <tr bgcolor="$bg">
> I know it is a table, but it for tabulating results. It is one of pages in
> Zen Cart which I am designing to my own design.
> So how do I change the above to something more style friendly?

I'd do it something like this:

$rowClass = ($rowClass=='odd' ? 'even' : 'odd');
<tr class="$rowClass">

Untested, YMMV, etc.

Then you can alter the background colors in the stylesheet and make 
other changes as well if you decide you want them later.


tr.odd {background-color: #eee}
tr.even {background-color: #F9FBF9]

Steve Clason
Boulder, Colorado, USA
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