At 12/13/2006 11:10 AM, ~davidLaakso wrote:
>re: Making an anchor not clickable?
>I may not understand...but,  <a href="#">home</a> is still clickable in
>the sense that the page will flash when clicked. Personally, I think it
>should be dead in the water.

In browsers I'm familiar with, href="#" will jump/scroll to the top 
of the page if the viewport isn't already homed, so I wouldn't 
categorize that as inert markup.  I would imagine that href="" would 
more effectively cancel the link, or, of course, eliminating the 
anchor from the markup altogether.

However, the original poster asked if there were a way to disable a 
link with CSS.  I believe this is possible by positioning a 
transparent foreground GIF on top of the link, rather like a clear 
plastic shield over a button.  The GIF would have to be in the 
markup, so semantically it might be seen as extraneous, but with a 
blank alt it should at least be semantically inert.


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