Hi everyone,

I sent this through yesterday and it didn't arrive so here's hoping.

I've been plodding along, I think improving with my CSS (I thought not good 
enough to be of much help to anyone but I answered a question... very 
excited) anyway as always have come across something weird.

Here's the page http://www.seco.com.au/cart.html
and the CSS http://www.seco.com.au/styles/hygiene.css

I had a heap of problems with IE and now after a lot of messing about that 
seems to be in order, Firefox is fine but Opera 9.02 is a problem (just 
downloaded the 9.02 after it not working in 8.0).

What's happening is the footer with an image of brown grass isn't showing. 
I've tried all sorts of things to no avail.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Many thanks


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