At 08:19 PM 13/12/2006, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
>Vicki Stebbins wrote:
> > First problem: The footer div with an image doesn't show in Opera,
> > have tried everything to no avail.
>It's all the way at the top of the page - with image and all, hidden
>behind the other elements. No surprise, as absolute positioned elements
>can't be cleared.
>Try adding...
>div#footer {
>position: relative;
>z-index: 10;
>...and you'll see where it is.
>Looks like Firefox is just placing the footer at the bottom by pure
>chance, as it doesn't react on the applied styles either.
> > Second: The page is a shopping cart and each product is within a div
> > with a class attribute which in turn is inside a content div (named
> > ufwus). The second product shows outside of the ufwus div and without
> > the fonts etc.
>Might be the 'missing </div> before </form>', or any of the other errors
>the validator is complaining about.
> >
>Too many source-code errors to do any serious browser-debugging.
>There should not be a single source-code error with that doctype, if you
>want some cross-browser consistency. You should clean it up to an
>error-free level - maybe apart from the embed.
>         Georg

Hi Georg and Andrew,

Thank you both sooo much, I have a very red face!

I really do always validate a page before asking for help, but got myself 
in such a knot over this one that I didn't think. A case of can't see for 
looking, or the forest for the trees!!

Once validated and the correct embedding for the 'flash stars' it all fell 
into place... still have a minor issue of the stars but am sure I'm able to 
get it into place now.

I also found a way to embed the flash with a javascript and not the 'embed' 
so it validates, if anyone is interested, the thread is here

Once again many thanks and all the best for the season.

Kind regards


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