On 19/12/06, Ivan Porto Carrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The pages are generated with a ruby like technology so i copied the html into 
> 2 files and made those available.
> I can't give a simplified example because then it works as expected.
> The forms are done using the pretty accessible forms template
> #form
>   #fieldset
>     #ol
>         #li
>         Label + input
> You should be able to see something at 
> http://office.flanders.co.nz/testlist.htm and 
> http://office.flanders.co.nz/test.htm
> The testlist page shows the behaviour when you expand the schedule panel of 
> the accordion
> If you then click on the close link (which should get a different text) 
> you'll see that the calendar icon is put out of place.
> If you expand and collapse the schedule panel you will see the behaviour 
> occurring again
> This happens also when put things inside a div inside the li.
> The test.htm has a button that has exactly the same behaviour in the schedule 
> panel.
> The surest way to experience the full bug is to use IE6 :)

Sorry - I'm getting a broken TCP/IP connection to your nominated
server! I'll see if I can get into a New Zealand-based SSH host and
see the page from there.
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