> I admit it's been a while since I used the FIR technique, mostly because I 
> was leery about how screen readers handle display:none. According to Joe 
> Clarke in a 2003 article in A List Apart, different screen readers handle an 
> non-displayed element differently, with some speaking it out loud, and others 
> not at all.
> I have now started developing in ASP.NET, and I have noticed that much of the 
> interactivity of the framework is derived from having certain elements turned 
> off with display:none, and then using javascript to turn them back on.


In my understanding, elements with display:none; are not read by
screen readers. A more accessible way to do visual replacement of text
with images (or, I assume, in today's sIFR, with flash) involves using
the combination of position:relative; and left:-9999px; (or similarly
huge value) to shift the element off the page but keeping it in the
flow. This approach allows the text to be read by screen readers.

So users using screen readers would not be surprised by the error
message... if  they have css turned on. The big red flag that goes up
for me with the .net approach is that it assumes that the user has css
turned on, which is a big assumption. Presumably a fully-non-sighted
user doesn't care if css is on or off, but since in the real world
there is a wide continuum of disability, many users may turn css of to
get a linearized layout that they can scale, invert, etc. in order to
access with limited sight, mobility, etc. In any case, css is
disableable in most every browser, so assuming it's on isn't very

Another possible accessibility concern with the approach you describe
is the fact that screen readers are not automatically alerted when an
element on the page changes. So if your user with a screen reader has
an error on their form, how do they know?  The element has been
visually revealed, and is now available to be read, but unless the
browser is directed to jump focus to the error, the user will not be
alerted to that fact. This may be handled by .net, but you probably
want to check to make sure. (I have a coworker who is an acessiblity
expert, so if you provide a URL I could ask if he has a moment to try
it out in Jaws.)

Matt Ryan
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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