On 1/6/07, Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/7/07, Donna Pfledderer @ Virtual Business Connection
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there away to have the containers enlarge when you add
> > content to it, but then push down a container below. LOL I'm
> > sure that didn't make sense.

Blake wrote:
Hi Donna,
I hope I understood your request properly. DIVs will stack up on top
of each other without any explicit code, so all you really need to do
is go:

And I submit:

Blake is correct, as long as the elements aren't absolutely
positioned... which I see from your CSS they mostly are.

Absolute positioning is good for making an element appear an a
specific place on the page (relative to the edges of the page) but not
a good method of making your elements be positioned relative to each
other. If you want your layout to be more flexible, you will need to
use other, more flexible methods of laying out the page, like floats,
relative positioning, margins, etc.

I hope that helps,
Matt Ryan
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