Hello all,
  I've been trying to apply the various techniques listed on the Wiki for 
rounded corners, especially the one listed on Albin.net[1] - and I've got a few 
questions for the collective wisdom.
  What I'm aiming for is to have rounded corners on all 4 corners of each of 
the items in a menu. This leads me to several apparent constraints:

1 - Because all 4 corners will need to be rounded, the sliding 
doors[2]technique doesn't seem like it will work as that technique only 
provides for 2 sides, not 4 corners.

2 - As a menu, the markup I'm working with should ideally be a list. This 
complicates many of the techniques I've seen (including Albin.net) which rely 
on nested <div>'s because <li>'s (inline) can't contain <div>'s (block). I've 
tried to convert this technique to using <span>'s, but have been running into 
problems with IE adding space to the menu items.

3 - Another aspect of menus is that the typically don't have a lot of text to 
use for hooks for CSS. A lot of very clean techniques [3] rely on many elements 
in the rounded element to achieve their effects - something I don't have 
available. I'm currently trying to use <span>'s.

4 - This one has me pulling out what little hair remains - I'm up against a 
self-imposed limit for the number of images on these pages, so I'm trying to 
combine rounded corner images into 1 and then use clipping to select only the 
corner I'm interested in. This (IIRC) introduces the necessity for absolute 

Am I correct in these constraints, or have I missed something along the way?

Assuming that the above constraints are valid, here is a page which 
demonstrates the code I've been working on:


CSS and HTML are visible in the source, but the gist of the HTML is (for one 
menu option) :

<li class="item1"><img class="testul" alt="" src="clipround.gif" width="6" 
height="6" /><img class="testur" alt="" src="clipround.gif" width="6" 
height="6" /><img class="testll" alt="" src="clipround.gif" width="6" 
height="6" /><img class="testlr" alt="" src="clipround.gif" width="6" 
height="6" />Knowlton School</li>

And, the CSS:

* {
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
body {
        background-color: #CCCCCC;
li {
        position: relative;
        margin: .5em;
        padding: 0 4px;
        color: black;
        font-weight: bold;
li img {
        position: absolute;
        overflow: hidden;
        height: 6px;
        width: 6px;
.item1 {
        background-color: #ff0099;
.testul {
        left: 0px;
        top: 0px;
        clip: rect(0px 3px 3px 0px);
.testur {
        right: 0px;
        top: 0px;
        clip: rect(0px 6px 3px 3px);
.testll {
        left: 0px;
        bottom: 0px;
        clip: rect(3px 3px 6px 0px);
.testlr {
        right: 0px;
        bottom: 0px;
        clip: rect(3px 6px 6px 3px);

My questions right now are first - am I needlessly limiting myself in the 4 
constraints above, and second - is there a technique out there already that 
satisfies them - particularly the ability to use <span>'s instead of <div>'s, 
and also take advantage of the clip property? Or should I continue to try and 
develop down the road I've started (which at this point means getting IE 6 and 
earlier to function - IE 7, Firefox, Opera and Safari all seem to display 
what's there now correctly)

Thanks for any feedback,


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