On 1/12/07 7:04 PM, "Gunlaug Sørtun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Should be...
> .img_center {display: block; margin: 0 auto;}

It's working now. Thank YOU!!

> I didn't find a class .img_center in your on-line stylesheet, so I can't
> say why it didn't work. I added one with the styles from my example
> above, and it worked perfectly.

I really appreciate your examples. It helps me tremendously.
>> I'm having a big problem using <hr /> in the #main content area.
>> After an <hr /> the text gets thrown way down the screen.
>> <http://www.test.entourage.mvps.org/atest/>
> It's pushed down because you have declared 'clear: both' on the hr.
> That's how 'clear' works in that kind of layout. It will clear
> *everything* in sight - including the side-columns.
> You should have a class for 'clear' so you can add it to the hr, or any
> other element, when you need it - not add 'clear' permanently to the hr.
> Now, for that particular page/layout you can keep that hr-styling, and
> solve it by adding...
> #main {overflow: hidden; margin: 0; }
> * html #main {overflow: visible; height: 1%; }
> * html #sidebar {overflow-x: hidden;}
> ...which will isolate all 'clear' inside #main (and correct the most
> troublesome bugs in IE6). Works in all browsers I can lay my eyes on,
> from IE6 and up.

I'm not quite sure if I should remove clear from the hr and add a clear
class if needed or add the corrected css you suggested above. Or do I really
need hr in my style sheet?

Where I get myself into trouble is I use examples from another site (I try
to 'borrow" from the best) and I don't know enough to understand all the
attributes they have added to the style.

Is this OK?

.clear-both {
clear: both;


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