
On Jan 17, 2007, at 12:42 PM, Terri Hodgson wrote:

> I'm working on making a real estate website Firefox compatible and am
> stuck on a few issues.
> The first one is this:
> The template that holds the listings
> details for each new listing is all fine except for the overflowing  
> content.
> If you look at it in IE it's fine. In Firefox the details of the  
> listing
> overflow onto the content below it.
> Here is the link:
> http://www.thehomehunter.ca/detail/2006detail/1517marshall- 
> W1019354.htm
> Here are the styles links:
> Internal Styles:  http://www.thehomehunter.ca/ho_internal.css
> Global Styles:  http://www.thehomehunter.ca/ho_global.css
> Listings Styles:  http://www.thehomehunter.ca/ho_list.css
> I guess it must have something to do with the combination of <divs>  
> and <tables> but I've
> tried several fixes with no luck.
> Any feedback is appreciated.

The problem is likely setting a height on the listing.  If you avoid  
setting heights on textual elements, the page will flow just fine.   
If you want to set a min-height to take up extra space on short  
listings, you will need to conditionally send min-height to good  
browsers and height to ie6 and 5.

Roger Roelofs

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