At 1/18/2007 12:44 PM, Ben Liu wrote:
>The problem:
>When you mouse over the left-most tab "home", the tab should rise
>slowly and only return to its original position when you mouse out of
>the entire tab. Instead, the browser (tested on Safari, Firefox, IE6)
>detects the list item within the tab (unordered list) as being an
>object outside of the unordered list and considers this a "mouseout"

CSS:  Your menu items consist of an anchor nested inside an 
LI.  Which element has been given the onmouseover behavior, A or 
LI?  Are they styled to be the same size?  If this points to the 
problem, I would style the anchor as a block and dimension it to 
contain its contents, and let the LI simply shrink-wrap around it.  I 
suspect this is the problem because the 'home' item vibrates when I 
point to the word itself (the anchor text) but not when I point to 
the (presumably) larger surrounding LI.

JS: Another potential problem area might be event propagation, in 
which an event occurring to a child also occurs to its parent, 
etc.  Try halting event propagation as soon as it's detected.



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