Hi all,

We've almost completed this website (redesign) and I've got a problem with 
a div in a shopping page.

I've got the navigation floating and then small divs with classes within a 
main div (#ufwus) to display product.

The problem is that the first div sizes itself to the length of the 
navigation, which will dynamically be built by the client so may end up 
longer than you would want the first product div to be.

Images that will be displayed in the product divs will all be 150px wide 
but could be any length. To ensure the picture stays within the div a small 
'spacer div' is placed a the end of each product div to make it grow with 
the image.

The spaces div when deleted shows the first div correctly but not the image 
if it's long...

I'm at a loss of what else to do to fix this and would really appreciate if 
someone could take a look.

html and css:

Thank you


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