> Matt Fielding wrote:
> > http://mattu.isa-geek.com/index2.php
> > 1)
> You can solve the resizing problem by adding a padding to those links -
> same size and the borders, and remove it on :hover.
> > 2)
> The simplest solution is to not float it. Instead, keep it in normal
> flow and adjust with margins, like so...
> div #content
>      {
>        background-color: yellow;
>        margin: 0 0 0 100px;
>      }
> ...and let the browsers take care of the rest.
> regards
>         Georg
> --
> http://www.gunlaug.no
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Thank you both for the border suggestion. You have to love when a simple
solution smacks you right in the face :-D That will work beautifully.

As for the navbar and content div's, basically to clarify what I'm looking
for, I want the navbar to essentially be on the left of the content div as
it is now, but I'm looking for a way to position the content div a fixed
amount of space from the navbar div without having to assign the navbar div
any fixed or liquid width. The reason for that is because if I ever add
longer links to the list, I want to have it adjust accordingly without
having to edit any style code.

Georg, your suggestion about using a margin to displace the content div, I
thought, would cause the content div to start below the navbar. I think I
see how it would work though, since the navbar would be floated above it,
the margin should not conflict. I also had another idea however, and was
wondering if it would give me a similar effect, but with even more ease and
dynamic updating.

I was thinking that I could float the navbar div WITHIN the content div,
that way not only would it hover over the content div, but would displace
the content inside the content div as well, as determined by it's width.
This way I don't have to worry about adjusting the margin for the content
div, given the navbar width became to large. Sound right?
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