Dear Richard:

Not many people will have that particular font available, so while you 
have set up the font-family as best you could, I believe it would be 
futile to attempt.  Rather, to increase readability/accessibility, I 
incorporated a technique that turns the logo image into a background and 
uses a regular text for an invisible link above it.  This way, you have 
the visual appeal you are hoping for, but your logo is actually text and 
not an image.  Turn off the CSS and you'll see what I mean.

An example can be seen on a test page I was working on.  The code to 
look at (the CSS is messy though), is:

 <div id="intro">
  <div id="pageheader">
    <h1><a href=""; title="JoCoBusiness 

    <p id="pagesubheader">Business services provided by the Johnson County 
Library, Kansas.</p>

You can see this at:

In fact, if this doesn't work on a Mac, please let me know. ;-)


In peace,

Amy M Ostrom
Web Interface Designer

"For dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way to the 
castle beyond the goblin city to take back the child that you have stolen. For 
my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great. You have no power 
over me." -Labyrinth

Richard Brown wrote:
> Hi All
> I am hoping that I will not need to use image replacement to achieve
> what I want! The site is located at:
> <>
> CSS is:
> <>
> The image is:
> <>
> Is it possible please using only web fonts available to create an
> approx style to the image.
> Currently I am trying this:
> font-size: 3em;
> font family: "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, "Times New
> Roman", Times, serif;
> font-style: italic;
> color:#30261d;
> I am not sure how it looks on Windows but on Mac it looks bad!
> Many thanks for the help.

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