On 09/02/07, Paul Novitski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You probably do need scripting to accomlish this today.  Although you
> can't predict the number of list items, a script can count them on
> the fly and shape the list accordingly.
> Although my first choice would be server-side scripting, you can also
> do it with Javascript if you don't mind the layout breaking when
> scripting is disabled.  I would limit the script to plugging in ids
> or classes and let CSS handle the positioning.

Fair enough. I was starting to figure that scripting was going to end up
being the way to go. It will probably have to be JS, since it's going into
their existing CMS and I don't believe we're being given any control over
that (I don't even know what language it's in - they're being annoyingly
closed-mouthed). I'm not actually that fussed if this means that the layout
is different for people without JS. The important thing is that the whole
list will be visible and usable. If it's not so pretty.... Oh well. :)

One method I like is to move the first item you want in column 2 up
> with a negative margin-top, and shift all items in column 2 over with
> positive margin-lefts.  This lets the list flow normally as much as
> possible and avoids browser-related bugs that affect other CSS-based
> methods.
> See example 6 in my ALA article on the subject:
> http://www.alistapart.com/articles/multicolumnlists/
> In these examples I show the list heavily marked up with class
> names.  Of course these can be inserted on the fly and needn't be a
> part of your original markup.

*nod* Nice. I have to admit, your article was one of the ones I had
originally looked at. I hadn't thought of using a script to programatically
handle the splitting, though.

In your scripting logic I imagine you'll want to decide how to handle
> widows & orphans so you don't strand a section title at the bottom of
> column1 or the last item of a section at the top of column 2.

Good point. I don't suppose you've got good JS skills and would be willing
to work with me off-list on this? *hopeful grin*


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