Melinda Odom wrote:
> I cannot get this vertical line to show in mozilla nor netscape.
> If I remove this style:
>  * html #container {
>       overflow: visible; 
> } 

Hi Melinda,

The issue is that the #container element is not containing the elements 
floated inside it, because they're not in the regular document flow. 
This means they stick out the bottom of the container, and the container 
ends up having a very small height.

To see this in action, try the following:
#container {
     border: 1px solid red;
and note where the border appears.

To fix this, you need to apply a "clearing" fix, whereby the fix makes 
the parent element expand to contain any floated elements within.

Here's one:
#container {
     overflow: hidden /* forces Moz + Safari + Opera to contain */
     zoom: 1; /* forces IE to contain */

More about clearing floats, and another solution that doesn't use 
overflow, can be found here:
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