Matthew Stoneback wrote:

> First off, here is a link to my HTML:

> And to my CSS:

> What I am looking to do is line the images up horizontally and use them as a
> navigational "bar."  I would like the images to have a 1 pixel border on the
> bottom and right; border color #847983.  If I have calculated right, it
> would make the whole navigation 524px wide, including the 1px border between
> each image.  Right now it is showing a border around the images on all
> sides.  I can take the border off with, border: none;, but I don't want to
> take away the entire border.  Any ideas?  Is my CSS wrong?
This worked for me:
#mainNav li a img{
         border: 0; /*changed */
         border-right: 1px solid; /*new*/
         border-bottom: 1px solid; /*new*/
        border-color: #847983;

Something to do with specificity, but I'm totally unmotivated to figure 
it out, sorry.

> When lining images up horizontally, is there a inherit amount of padding or
> margin on the left and right sides?  Basically, why can I not line two
> images up flush against one another?  If an example is needed, I can post a
> link.

I just always assume that evil padding and margins lurk to thwart my 
desires everywhere, and explicitly set them all to 0.

Steve Clason
Boulder, Colorado, USA
(303) 818-8590
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