Beth Lee wrote:

> What would be a more suitable doctype? A link to a good explanation 
> would be helpful. (This is a web certification project, and the 
> course instructs us to use this doctype, so I'm not sure I can change
>  it on this website, but I'd like to know the pros and cons for the 
> future, or maybe for arguing with the instructors :) .)

You have standardized cards on your hand :-)

Tell them that 'XHTML 1.1' *SHOULD NOT* be served as 'text/html' (which
is what you're doing now), and point to the W3C document that says so...
<> case your instructors haven't read the standards they tell you to

Serving XHTML 1.1 properly - as 'application/xhtml+xml' - means it won't
show up in Internet Explorer, since that browser doesn't have a clue
what properly served 'XHTML' is all about.

Thus, 'XHTML 1.0 Strict' _might be_ a more suitable doctype, since we
*MAY* serve 'XHTML 1.0' as 'text/html' so all browsers understand it.
If your instructors also insists that all projects shall be rendered by
Internet Explorer, then 'HTML 4.01' Strict is an even better choice
since 'HTML 4.01' *SHOULD* always be served as 'text/html'.

The choice may affect how well your knowledge holds up after the
certification project is over, so better get 'doctypes' and 'MIME-types'
right from the start.

A bit more on the subject...

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