I inquired...

> On this page
> http://pierceartanddesign.com/NewFiles.html/pages/ aboutus.html
> I'm having trouble with (what else?) IE6. The column of
> text on the right is cut off about 1 or 2 characters on the left
> side. I've had this problem before, and I'm trying to fix a pre-made
> site, so I'm not getting paid for a full re-write.
> I've tried lots of stuff, several hacks, several non-hacks, but in IE
> that da__ thing won't budge!

Jukka jotted...

> Incidentally, when looking at the source code, I could not help  
> seeing the
> hack (on lines 11 to 21) that uses
> * html #header { ... }
> to deal with problems with MSIE. As far as I've understood, this  
> hack is
> ineffective for IE 7, which fixed the bug that the root element was
> considered as a child of something but might not have fixed the bug  
> that
> the hack is supposed to deal with.

Thank you Jukka, for your input, including that about the CSS  
validator. That worked.
Unfortunately, I have no problems with IE7. It's just IE6 that's  
blasting my brain.


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