Michael Stevens wrote:
> I've got a normal 3 column layout with a header, left menu floated 
> left, right menu floated right, and content DIV with margins equal to
>  the left & right menus so it's centered.
> I want the tab DIV to clear the other items in the content DIV but 
> not to worry about the leftmenu DIV. Can I do this any other way 
> besides adding <br /> after the text to force the next tab to start 
> on a new line?

Add 'clear: both' to the "next tab"..?

Imagining that your 'content DIV' is addressed by '#content' in your
stylesheet, try adding...

#content {overflow: hidden;}
* html #content {overflow: visible;}

...which will let you add 'clear: both' - or any kind of clearers -
inside the 'content DIV', without having to worry about 'leftmenu DIV'.

The above addition is establishing a new 'block formatting contexts'[1]
which will isolate children of that 'content DIV' from all elements
outside it. The '* html' addition is there to save older IE versions
from something they don't understand and might mishandle.

IE6 and older may need more help, but I can't say without seeing the
actual layout.


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