At 3/4/2007 11:17 PM, Chris Chen wrote:
>I am help maintain a website that needs to support switching between 
>English and Chinese languages (preferrably just by clicking on a 
>button/link). Does CSS prescribe a recommended way to do such 
>language switching?

I would say yes and no.

CSS provides a language pseudo-class (:lang) for indicating the 
language of an expression, for example when mixing two languages 
together on the same page:

CSS 2.1 Specification
5 Selectors
5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang

However, the only behavior that CSS really supports for content 
switching is hover (known in javascript as mouseover).  In order to 
get content to change on click you need either server-side scripting 
or client-side scripting or both.

Here's an example of one technique that I produced using English & 
Japanese text:

Every bilingual page on the site contains both languages, with only 
one of them displayed at a time.

In the absence of javascript, the Japanese/English toggle requests 
the current page from the server with the requested language selected 
(by specifying it in the body class).

With javascript enabled, the language toggle simply switches the body 
class and the displayed language changes immediately.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.  

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