Hello To All,

I recently joined the list but, have been lurking for
about 2 weeks . . . I've run into some problems with a
site I'm coding and well, here goes:

I have a fixed height designed site (I didn't design
this someone else did, I am coding only) that needs
some flexibility in the height on some of the pages.
Therefore, I need the footer to sit at the bottom
regardless of the length of the content and I need the
left nav on the subpages of the site to auto adjust in
height as the content grows. 

The left nav on the internal pages is empty right now
but it is the beige colored div on the left of page.
The footer encompasses the copyright information, 4
links that are in a UL that's been floated right, with
a top and bottom 1px solid border. I set the
background color to grey to make it more visible for
trouble shooting. 

I set out by given the left nav and footer a fixed
height and absolute positions with left and top
properties. I tried messing with it a couple times by
changing heights to 100% (on left nav) and instead of
giving a top to the footer I gave it a bottom: 0; but
neither of those things really worked, so I just
reverted to the original code I started out with and
figured I would ask for help :) 

Here are the links to the site and css:



Any and all help is most appreciated - Thanks in

Elli V

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