On Thu, 29 Mar 2007, Kieron McIntyre wrote:

> Actually, what the WAI define and what is defined in the CSS specifications
> are two completely separate things. Just because the CSS 2 and 3
> specifications state that colour names CAN be used doesn't mean that they
> SHOULD be used.

That is correct. It does not imply that the WAI statement about color 
names is correct.

> I disagree with what you say about it not being an issue. It is extremely
> important.

The use of color names vs. color codes? No, it has absolutely no impact on 
accessibility or compatibility. It is just a coding style issue, and a 
very small detail. It's relevant for a small set of colors only.

> For example, the corporate colour of a government department I
> develop work for is teal (#009999).

No, teal is #008080, by definition. Reference:

> Teal on white is not a sufficient colour contrast,

When measured by the W3C criteria, it is; see e.g.
(Though it's rather near the threshold.)

Anyway, this does not depend on the use of color name vs. color code at 
all. The color contrast is exactly the same when using teal and when ysing 

> so we use #008083 which is sufficient.

Well, it falls within the criteria too (though it's a little nearer to the 
threshold). It does not deviate much from teal, but if you like, you can 
of course use it. This wasn't the issue. The issue was whether using teal 
was more accessible or more compatible than using #008080, and it isn't.

> All browsers support hex 
> values but certain older browsers will not support the full gamet of 
> colour names.

The use of names not defined in CSS specifications is a different issue. 
The color names defined in them are just as universally supported as the 
color codes. Use codes if you like (I usually do). But it's just confusing 
to ban them as a color contrast issue.

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

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