Hi Everyone,

I work on a Mac and the site I¹m working on looks OK on that on most
browsers. I even got it working OK in IE Mac. However, I have had a look on
Browsershots.org at the Windows IE versions and noticed a couple of

* Version 6 ­ a stray 1 pixel line appears right across the main div under
the ID picture on each page and through the navigation bar
* Version 5 ­ a lot of things go wrong of course and I¹m not sure how to
approach it ­ to hack or not to hack? The main culprit is the membership
page where all sorts of weirdness is happening with the mini navigation (the
green nav).

My question ­ what should I do? Do I abandon Windows IE v5? It is really

I¹d also like some input on if it works OK please, browsershot.org is OK but
you can¹t see if everything is working as expected. Bear in mind it is still
a work in progress and a lot of the content is temporary/incomplete.
The style sheet is here: http://www.katekelly.org.uk/BAVO/bavoStyles.css

Thanks for your time,
Kate Kelly
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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