At 4/27/2007 03:28 PM, Lori Lay wrote:
>I would like to vertically align and centre some text at the bottom of a
><div id="footer">
>     <div id="footwrap">
>           <p>Here is the text I want to centre on the bottom</p>
>     </div>
>#footer {
>     text-align: center;
>     position: relative;
>     width: 100%;
>     height: 50px;
>     clear: both; }
>#footwrap {
>     position: absolute;
>     bottom: 0; }
>Here's the problem:  the text is properly aligned at the bottom of the
>footer, but only the start of the paragraph is horizontally centred.  As
>you can see, I am using text-align: center to centre the text.  This
>doesn't work in this case (in IE 6 only).  The start of the paragraph is
>correctly centred, but not the whole thing.  So in my example above, the
>word Here seems to be centred, but not the entire line.

According to the spec [1] text-align should be inherited, so perhaps 
you've stumbled across one of the many spots where IE6 drifts away 
from the spec either deliberately or buggily.

I would try applying centering to the paragraph itself with #footwrap 
p { text-align: center; }

You might also be able to diagnose the problem more clearly if you 
apply a background-color to the paragraph.  Does that show that the 
first line is centered and the others are flush-left?

[1] CSS 2.1 Specification : 16 Text : 16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd. 

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