On Wed, 2007-05-02 at 16:31 +0100, James Leslie wrote:
> In IE6 (winXP SP2), I get bits of the paragraph about the book missing
> at browser widths above about 970px.

Ah, that maybe explains why I haven't been able to reproduce it so far.
I'll give my virtual machines bigger screen resolutions.

> Refreshing seems to cause the fault
> to display intermittently. It almost looks like a float is going over
> the text, but selecting the text makes it visible. It also smacks
> slightly of the peekaboo bug.

I agree. I think it is some variant of the peekaboo bug.

> Sorry I can't help more at the moment (bit snowed under today), but
> maybe that helps?

Yes, that helps a lot! Thank you very much.

Best, Darren

D. D. Brierton            [EMAIL PROTECTED]          www.dzr-web.com
       Trying is the first step towards failure (Homer Simpson)
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