I was wondering if someone could help me here.  I'm styling out a CMS 
right now (using WordPress) and I've been asked to do a little "avatar" 
thing for each person that writes a post.  I'm using a rounded corners 
method I found here at CSS-D (and works very well, by the way), and for 
this case, I needed to float the section right.  I'm also using the 
.clearfix method to clear my floats - which also works well.

However I have an odd instance, where, if a post is very short, the 
"avatar" section overlaps the whole content section, rather than being 
contained inside of it.  I know the float is what's doing it, but none 
of my clearing methods wan to take hold (I've even tried an <hr 
class="clearing" /> method, which didn't work, either - not the :after 
trick, but the actual ".clearing {clear:right;}" thing.)

http://anekostudios.com/help/ provides a list of the files you need if 
anyone feels like offering a hand here.  I can't name who the client is, 
so I had to provide a screenshot to remove names (help.jpg), so you 
could see the problem.  The "help-code.txt" file is the HTML output from 
the CMS - it's exactly what you'd see if you viewed the source code of 
the page in question.  The other two are the two stylesheets that affect 
this page.

I've tried various methods to clear the float, but I can't seem to get 
the content bottom to push past my floated avatar.  I don't *want* to 
set a min-height for the content area, but if that's the only method 
that will work, it's what I must do (it's the only other thing I can 
think of to do).  But I'm hoping someone here can help me figure out 
what I'm overlooking, 'cause y'all are smarter than I am. ;)

Thanks for any help you can give :)

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