On Sun, 13 May 2007 00:27:22 -0400, Roy Anger wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a site that's still very much in development, but which I'm having one 
> small
> problem with that I can't figure out. The site is at 
> http://dev.northernfarce.com/awp/

On Mon, 14 May 2007 10:53:35 -0700, Matt McCool replied:
> Also, if you want a consistent pixel-based margin or "gutter" in between all 
> three
> columns, you have two options.
> 1) Strip all margin and padding from the #pg-whatever div's, and apply  the 
> margins
> (1%, 10px, whatever) to all elements inside the #pg-* divs. This can get 
> cumbersome if
> you change the content inside the div's often.
> 2) Add an extra div to each #pg- div, so your markup would be: <div id="pg-
> ruby"><div>...content...</div></div>
> Then, apply margins to the inner div of #pg-ruby. Not as simple, and it adds 
> an extra
> div, but it works well, and you'll have less headaches when you debug for ie.

While option 2 means more markup, I have discovered another advantage:
If you put padding on the inside DIV instead of margins, any top and
bottom padding stops margins on inside elements from "bleeding through."

Just 1px padding will do the trick.


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