*-----Original Message-----
*From: Robert Lane
*Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 4:14 PM
*I have an example here: http://tinyurl.com/3axpuo
*I don't understand what I am doing wrong, but I am getting totally
*different results in IE6, IE7 and FireFox 2
There are a few problems that I see: 

First of all, remove the height:0 from your #p7PMnav. It collapses the
menu in IE7.

Add clear:both to your #nav_box, which will keep the image below it. 

Get rid of position:relative everywhere, as someone mentioned.

Your 24px margin problem is coming from your #main_box. Change that to 0
and you can get rid of that -24px altogether. 

Use your p tags to control your padding around the text instead of your
div tags. 

Add padding to the right side of your slides div because I think the
collapsing margins thing is happening here. 

Put a clearit div right before the close of your outer box to force your
outer div to wrap around all of your content. 

I am in the habit of adding margin:0; padding:0 to all of my container
divs to keep everything fitting tight, and controlling all of my padding
and spacing around content in the actual content tags, like p, H1, ul,
etc. That practice has solved a lot of problems for me. I'm sure folks
have many different approaches!

I hope this helps...

Graphic & Web Designer
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