From: "Richard Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [css-d] Banner and Menu problems

> The site is
> 760px wide with margin set to 0 auto. And here is the link:
> <>
> <>
> The problem I am having is how to set the banner fully across the
> page. I have placed the width and margin values on three divs;
> navcontainer, header and wrapper.
Hi Rich,
You put the header image both into the HTML code and as header background.
Lets go with image as background that is better for future maintenance.
So do the following:
1-) Get rid of the image into the HTML code;
2-) Leave the image as header background in the CSS but change the color and 
the repeat values
and add a height equal the image height:

#header {
background: #3a80be url(images/top_bg.jpg) top left no-repeat;

See the result in your browser and you will notice:
The left side color of the image boesn't match with the color chose for the 
header background.
As the color for the image isn't solid you have two options:
a-) Change the left side boundaries of the image to a solid color (#3a80be)
b-) Stretch the left side of the image until  a 1300px image wide (this will 
increase the loading time)

3-) Finally we must put the text image within the HTML code (an 
accessibility issue)

<div id="header">
<h1>SGA GLOBAL</h1>
<h2>Active Cure Technology</h2>

and hide it:

#header h1, #header h2 {
use a rule for image replacement [1]

[1] Google for image replacement


MaurĂ­cio Samy Silva

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