A couple of days ago I ran across http://dean.edwards.name/IE7 and thought I
had found the Holy Grail.  The mere thought of being able to bring IE even
into near compliance with CSS standards excites me no end.  But the more I
read the less I understood.  I think it is clear that Dean Edwards IE7
(hereafter DEIE7) is pointed at conforming IE5 and IE6 (hence the name).
During 2006 this seemed to be a fairly active on-going project.  One post
that I read even indicated that Dean had trademarked 'IE7'.  However, when
MS released their version of IE7 (hereafter MSIE7) it appears that interest
in DEIE7 seemed to completely vanish overnight.  We know that MSIE7 failed
to address many of the CSS issues that it should have.  However, the release
of MSIE7 could have morphed them.  I would have thought that Dean would have
quickly made an assessment and re-released DEIE7 with a new name and tweaked
to work with MSIE7.  It appears that that didn't happen.  What's more
surprising is that I can't seem to find any mention from Dean or anyone else
as to how DEIE7 can be used with MSIE7 if at all.  I've tried it and it does
seem to fix a lot of problems; but, I'm real nervous about going down that
path because there seems to be no commentary on the Net about it.

So, that brings me to my question which is:  Does anyone know what's going
on with DEIE7 and whether or not it's usable with MSIE7?  If it is so
usable, are there any caveats that I should know about?

Thanks for any input.

       ... doug
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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