At 5/21/2007 05:23 AM, jana  coyle wrote:
>What I am looking for is to have image#1 and image#2 horizontally 
>next to each other
>on the same line.  I want the mouse over large image 1 to overlap 
>both image 1 and
>image 2 without displacing them.


The reason your images aren't side-by-side is that you've contained 
the first one in a DIV: (your markup reformatted here for ease of reading):

         <div id="magnify">
                 <a class="p1" href="#nogo">
                         <img src="images/image1.gif" 
title="Thumbnail image" alt="Thumbnail image" />
                         <img class="large"  src="images/image1large.gif"/>

         <img border="2" src="images/image2.gif" width="290" height="290" >

A DIV is by default a block-level element and therefore will act like 
a pararaph in starting a new row.  See:

         CSS 2.1 Specification
         9 Visual formatting model

I made a quick tweak to your markup and styling:

<a class="p1" href="#nogo"><img src="images/image1.gif" 
title="Thumbnail image" alt="Thumbnail image" /><img 
class="large"  src="images/image1large.gif"/></a>

<img border="2" src="images/image2.gif" width="290" height="290" >

- I've removed the DIV from around the first image.  (I could also 
have changed that div to {display: inline;} but removing it seemed simpler.)

- I also removed the P that enclosed the two images which also seemed 
to be extraneous.

- I removed the "magnify" span from around the hyperlinked images, 
since the anchor element by itself serves as sufficient wrapper.

Here's the CSS I added:

/* ensure enough room for the large image */
         height: 500px;

/* define the bounds of the large absolutely-positioned image */
         position: relative;

/* remove the large image from display */
a.p1 img.large
         display: none;

/* display the large image on hover */
a.p1:hover img.large
         display: inline;
         position: absolute;
         left: 0;

Tested in Firefox 2 & IE 7 (Windows).



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd. 

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