At 3:11 PM -0400 5/23/07, Erin Spangler wrote:
>Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong with this page?
>My goal is to float the first image (angus-02) to the left with the text
>along side. Then I'd like the next image (angus-03) to clear the float
>from the first image and be centered below the image and text above it.
>But, adding my float class to that second image floats it down below my
>(floated) left navigation. Why?

Hi Erin,

I'm having similar problems with floats but in looking over your 
code, why not remove the clearcenter class on the second image and 
instead use class="center" on the p element as you've done with 
glory.html? This will bring Angus' second image up like you're 

Cute dogs BTW. My miniature dachshund, Oscar, would love a buddy!

      Tim Offenstein  ***  College of Applied Health Sciences  *** 
(217) 244-2700
    CITES Departmental Services Web Specialist  ***
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