Rakesh Pai wrote:
> Consider the following markup:
> <div id="header">
>     ... header stuff here
> </div>
> <div id="leftColumn">
>     ... lots of markup
> </div>
> <div id="rightColumn">
>     ... lots of markup
> </div>
> <div id="footer">
>     ... Some footer stuff
> </div>
> Now, let's assume that the #leftColumn is floated left, the
> #rightColumn is floated right, and the #footer clear:both the floats.
> Also, as per the design, the body has a black background, and some
> wrapper for this markup has a light patterned background.
> The problem is that until the footer is loaded in the markup, the
> content in the leftColumn and rightColumn is unreadable since the
> floats are not cleared making the background black. If the amount of
> markup in the left and right columns is a lot, there's a perceivable
> delay in loading the footer, making the page unusable till that time.
> Is there a solution to this problem? Colleagues are suggesting that I
> use tables to ensure that the background is available, but I don't
> like the idea. Note that I cannot give the left column and the right
> column a background, since I need the pattern to show up through them.
> This is very urgent, so speedy responses will be greatly appreciated.

You could always use a min-height so that the wrapper takes up some 
vertical space with its background showing up straight away, 
alternatively do you have overflow: hidden; set on the wrapper? That 
would make it wrap the floats straight away.
The other suggestion I have is that it's not your problem at all but the 
speed of the software. Too often I have people hounding me because of 
how a site loads up but the problem is down to slow software. You can't 
fix that with css. You can only make it less obvious.

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