On 05/06/07, Michael Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> border= in HTML should equal border: in CSS. I understand they are different
> but to make them inconsistent would be one reason why people have a hard
> time with the "CSS or die" theory of late.

There would have been two problems with taking that route when the
border property was added to CSS.

The first is that it would have been inconsistent with the rest of
CSS, which would have been a barrier to everyone learning the language
(not just those migrating from pre-98 techniques). I'd far rather have
a language be internally consistent then consistent with something now

The second is that it would have been far less flexible. The CSS way
allows different cells to have different border styles.

Still, the decision was made almost a decade ago. I happen to think it
was the right one, but it is far too late for it to change if you

David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk><http://blog.dorward.me.uk>
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