Dave M G wrote:
> Audra wrote:
>> It should be...
>> #whole { min-height: 100%; }
>> You described it correctly at first so did you mis-type perhaps? 
> Yes, that was a typo. Thank you for catching it.
> Just to be double sure, I rechecked my CSS code and uploaded it again.
> The <html> and <body> tags are set to height: 100%, and the #whole 
> containter is set to min-height: 100%.
> But the problem as originally reported is still there.


Your #whole div *is* filling the browser window. But the red borders are 
not actually borders on it, but elements nested within it. You haven't 
told the bottom one to move to the bottom of its containing element, the 
#whole div. You could do so with absolute positioning.

The problem then becomes that the left and right red borders, again 
nested divs, do not stretch down the full height of #whole. This is 
because #whole only has a min-height on it, not a height, and they need 
their parent to have a height that they can base their own height or 
min-height on.

You can probably get it to work by messing with table display properties 
instead, then using the height stuff for IE hacks. Not sure how IE 7 
will handle that, though, since it doesn't have all the auto-stretch 
bugs that IE 6 has but also doesn't have support for table display 

I'm afraid I don't have time to try a whole new system that might be 
required in your situation, but hopefully that gives you additional 
understanding about what is going on and some ideas about where to turn 
next for a solution.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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