I want to use CSS :hover for something other than a standard pop-up menu. I'm 
working on an internal webapp, and I want a DIV to appear when I hover over 
another DIV. The initial visible DIV is named "menu_closed". When I hover over 
it, I want "menu_opened" and "menu_opened_border" (I could combine these into 
one, if necessary) to appear. I know how to do this with Javascript, but I'd 
rather use pure CSS. This will only need to work in Firefox or other recent 
Gecko browsers.

I've been looking at examples of using CSS :hover to do menus in an attempt to 
figure out what it's really doing, but I haven't really been getting anywhere. 
Can anyone point me to a page that has a *really* simple example of using 
to do something like this, preferably with elements other than UL and LI? Even 
just posting the bare bones required CSS to do this would work too :) Thanks.

Andrew Gaffney
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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