> rashantha de silva wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have been told that there are blank spots (white) in internet explorer on 
>> pc.
>> Can you please check this site <http://www.lankafest.com/> and tell me what 
>> can be
>> done to avoid that.

Jason replied: 
> Yes, there are whitish parts in IE - it looks to me like you're using PNG 
> graphics with
> transparency. This does not work properly in IE/Windows without hacking 
> things about.
> You could use transparent GIFs where appropriate. And/Or you could use a PNG 
> fix. You
> can use a JavaScript fix or a CSS fix. I very rarely use translucent PNGs.

Hi Rashantha,

You could also use transparent PNGs. IIRC the last browser to have problems
with binary transparent PNGs (PNG-8) was Netscape 4. PNG-8 images are
usually smaller than corresponding GIFs.

The problem does not arise in IE7 -- Alpha transparency is fixed in 
that browser.

> Using the following in a css rule adds a background image with png-alpha: h1 {
> backgound-image:none; filter:
> progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='yourimage.png',
> sizingMethod='crop'); }

FWIW - there seems to be an attempt to add a 'pngbehavior.htc' file
as a solution. Hard to figure out exactly what's going on with 24 style 
sheets plus inline styles.

> or for a JavaScript fix, google "PNG fix" to be taken to the page. I'm sure 
> others on
> this list will have ways to fix this, too.

We had a discussion about getting alpha transparency to work in IE
on our class form. Some solutions here:



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