Old thread, but should update...been too busy to think about it...or  
anything else for that matter.

>> On this website, which is located at http://  
>> www.pierceartanddesign.com/testfiles/ the bullets in all versions   
>> of IE are aligned with the bottoms of any <li> that is longer  
>> than  the width required to keep it on all on one line. Any ideas  
>> why?

David Laasko said:

> Your site is broken in compliant browsers.
> There is, among other things, a lexical error.
> This:
> #<body> { font-size: 100%; font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman",  
> Times, serif; line-height: 110%; background-color: #fff9b7; text- 
> align: left; width: 765px; height: auto; margin-top: 1em; margin- 
> bottom: 1em; padding: 0; }
> Should be:
> body { font-size: 100%; font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman",  
> Times, serif; line-height: 110%; background-color: #fff9b7; text- 
> align: left; width: 765px; height: auto; margin-top: 1em; margin- 
> bottom: 1em; padding: 0; }

Dave, Thanks for that one. Good catch!

> You have a very simple 2 col page. No need to hack anything for any  
> browser-- much less IE7 at this stage, at least in my book.
> Start with a 2 col layout that is known to work cross-browser.   
> There are some here <http://blog.html.it/layoutgala/>, and more in  
> the wiki and elsewhere. Plug your stuff in one of them.
> Use a vertical navigation menu or list that is known to work cross- 
> browser. There are some here <http://css.maxdesign.com.au/> --  
> check the browser computability charts on the site.

That's exactly where this one came from, but some of the add-ons  
messed it up. On the home page, they're mostly fixed, except in IE  
5x. And, I've been trying to avoid the pre-made templates in a real  
effort to LEARN this stuff. (Now along with Flash and Actionscript,  
plus looks like maybe some Javascript. Keeps this old man busy though.)

> Wrapping text around images is covered in the float tutorials here;  
> <http://css.maxdesign.com.au/>

That's also pretty much the same info I had, from two book sources I  

> There is helpful info on avoiding hacks for IE6 on the wiki <http:// 
> css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=AvoidingHacks>

I've read through those and nothing in them helped the situations I  
encountered. Even according to many of the other CSS gurus, some  
things just have to be tweaked for other browsers. Anyway, the CSS  
validates completely, as does the HTML (except for those pesky  
missing background colors on the links. Guess I have to address those.)

Thank you Dave, for your assistance and suggestions.


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