On Jul 4, 2007, at 10:07 AM, Luc wrote:

> Good evening Philippe,
> It was foretold that on 3/7/2007 @ 09:15:58 GMT+0900 (which was
> 21:15:58 where I live) Philippe Wittenbergh would write:
^ wrong date. the message was sent 4/7/2007

>> o you killed all feedback about link focus for users who don't use/
>> can't use/don't have a mouse connected. Try navigating your page from
>> the keyboard.
> I know, but it was the only thing i could come up with ... other
> workarounds are of course welcome :-)

You could start by thinking which state of the <a> you want to  
target, and also provide alternative styling options. Just killing a  
browser feature for the sake of a design is not an option.
>> Which version of 'moz' (sic) ?
> Mozilla 1.7.13

Mozilla (all Gecko 1.7) doesn't support the outline property. -moz- 
outline is an option providing
1. you put it in the correct cascading order
2. you are aware there are differences with the outline-property

Philippe Wittenbergh

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