On 7/21/07, Brian Middleton wrote:
> I can't figure out a reason why I have a good chunk of whitespace
> below my layout. You can see what I mean here..
> http://redplaidshirt.com/test/faq.php
> The extra space is only there in Firefox and Safari (Mac & PC), it
> does not show up in IE (6 or 7).
> Is there any reason why the extra whitespace is below the layout? I
> can't find the culprit.

The space is caused by the "easy clearing" method, applied on #wrapper
(and on #footer_bottom)  which adds (via :after) a block element at
the end of your page, with a dot inside, height:0 and
visibility:hidden.  It seems that browsers want to assure that its
content is anyway "accessibile" (even if it is overflowing its block
and invisible), so they create that extra space.

I would use a different clearing method. Simply removing the two
selectors #wrapper:after and #footer_bottom:after, and then adding
#footer_bottom { overflow: hidden } seems to solve the problem, but I
haven't tested on your real page.


Bruno Fassino http://www.brunildo.org/test
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