JGardner wrote:

> http://webtech.tstc.edu/students/gardnerj/cns/index.htm

> The menu is really a little to large in Firefox and to small in IE.

If you want the menu cross-browser and font-resizing stable, set width
in pixels. There's plenty of space and short words, so fixed width won't
create any real problems.

#menuh ul {width: 180px;}
... will do.

> Also, in IE only the top drop down item shows up.

Covered by the relative positioned #content - an IE/win layering bug.

#content {position:relative;}
...and add a 'hasLayout' trigger...
#content {height: 1%;}
...to assure visibility and containment in IE/win.

You should also change the side-margins on #content, as 'em' with fixed
width containers inside doesn't work too well.

#content {margin: 2em 12px 1em 26px;}
...seems to be close enough, and the addition of...
#content #right {display: inline;}
...will fix the 'margin-doubling on floats' bug in IE6.

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