On Tue, 11 Sep 2007, Rick Lecoat wrote:

> We know that text specified in px is a Bad Idea. What I want to know is:
> does the inability to resize px-sizedtext fonts in IE Win get inherited
> if the child text is specced in something else (ems, say)?

Basically, yes. It has nothing to do with inheritance in the CSS sense, 

> body {font-size: 14px}
> h1 {1.8 em}

Surely the latter is meant to be
   h1 { font-size: 1.8em }

> Would the h1 still be non-resizable in IE Win?

Yes, in the same sense as copy text. That is, using the browsers Font Size 
control does not affect it. The user can tell IE to ignore font sizes set 
on web pages, but that's rather drastic and unknown to most users. On IE 
7, the page can be zoomed, which partly serves the same purposes and font 
resizing and is often confused with it, but it's really a quite different 
thing. Anything set in pixels is relative to the pixel size, so in that 
sense, the font size will be rescaled if the monitor resolution is 
changed, but that's not common.

In the given example, IE simply computes the font size for h1 by 
multiplying the body font size 14px by 1.8.

Well, to be rather theoretic, a user _could_ have a user style sheet like
body { font-size: 18pt !important; }
and then IE would compute the h1 font size as 1.8 times 18pt. So in that 
sense, the 1.8em would be "resizable" or, rather, relative to the 
user-specified font size. But I don't think there are many users in the 
wild deploying user style sheets.

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

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