On Sep 14, 2007, at 9:32 PM, Rick Lecoat wrote:

>> I can't make min-width work in I.E. 6, probably not in any others  
>> either
>> ({can't check others} Works reasonably well in FF).
> DG;
> IE5/6 doesn't understand min-width. However, it treats width the same
> way as min-width, I believe, so you can add in an IE5/6-only width  
> rule
> and that should do the trick.

IE5/6 certainly _don't_ treat width as min-width. That meme should be  
put to rest once and for all.
In certain situations IE 5/6 will expand a container beyond the  
specified width (when faced with content that is larger than that  
width), but that doesn't make it (width) equal to min-width.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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