juliann wheeler wrote:
> I created an HTML newsletter in tables.  Firefox is rendering it 
> correctly, but in IE there is a large white space between the first 
> paragraph and the title "Representative PCGA Deals"
> http://www.pcg-advisors.com/Newsletter/pcgnewsletter9_07_p2_is.html

I have no idea which IE-bug I'm dealing with here, and I'm a bit rusty
when it comes to handling HTML tables. Anyway, the following seems to
work in all browsers...


IE (all versions) seems to get the rowspan count wrong once, which leads
to the large white space in the relevant and neighboring table-cells.

I couldn't find a better way to solve it than to repeat the <td> twice
and use conditional comments to serve one to IE with one rowspan value
and the other to other browsers with another rowspan value.

The commented <td>s are easy to find in the source code. Maybe you have
a better way to do it.

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